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Download a range of valuable reports and guides below:


This document presents the strategy for the Moorland Association for January 2025-December 2027.

The economic, environmental and social impact of shooting in the UK by Cognisense.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

A review of the evidence of the economic, environmental and social sustainability of driven grouse shooting. A guide for stakeholders and policy makers.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

Information for policymakers on looking after moorland areas and the communities that depend on them.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

By the Future Landscapes Forum, a group of academics and practitioners with specialist knowledge of the management, ecology, functioning and fire risk associated with heather-dominated landscapes in the UK.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

By the Future Landscapes Forum, a group of academics and practitioners with specialist knowledge of the management, ecology, functioning and fire risk associated with heather-dominated landscapes in the UK.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

This British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) report, commissioned by Natural England, investigates the recent increase in the English Hen Harrier population using population modeling.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

A summary of ten years studying moorland management: heather burning compared to mowing or uncut approaches.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

A review of the environmental impacts including carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions and wildfire on peatland in England associated with grouse moor management.

An independent review into Sphagnum Inoculation on Peak District moors.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

Changes in upland bird numbers and distribution in the Berwyn Special Protection Area, North Wales between 1983 and 2012.

The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust's essential guide.

This report explicitly aligns grouse moor management outcomes with public policy by considering its contribution to environmental goods and services, as defined by Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan goals; the first time that has been done.


This report provides a comprehensive regional wildfire risk assessment and is the most detailed undertaken for a UK landscape.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

A practical guide by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT), who developed medicated grit in the 1980s.

👉 Read our summary of the guidelines here.

A practical guide produced by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust for farmers, landowners and conservationists.

👉 Read our summary of the report here.

A practical guide produced by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust for farmers, landowners and conservationists.

👉 Read our summary of the guidelines here.

This guidance is intended to assist moorland managers who wish to undertake a vegetation burn which they believe does not require a licence under The Heather and Grass etc Burning (England) Regulations 2021, but where there is shallow peat and they wish to collect evidence to show that the peat depth at the location of the burn is 40cm or less. 

The Code sets out best practice in all areas of the sport. It enables shoot managers, guns, gamekeepers and their employees to deliver sustainable shooting.

Natural England Wildfire Risk Assessment document - Appendix 12: Uplands Management Group moorland Wildfire Risk Assessment and wildfire planning.

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