One of the Let’s Learn Moor events, at Blakey Ridge in the North Yorkshire Moors. Photograph: Stuart Boulton.
More than 2,000 children had the chance to ‘rescue’ their teachers with mountain rescue teams, solve rural crimes with the police and learn about the importance of the precious carbon-rich peatlands below their feet when the UK’s largest upland classroom returned last week.
Packed with fun, interactive lessons, schools from across the North of England attended Let’s Learn Moor 2023, which took place at eight locations from 3-7 July.
During each event, the children met the people and organisations that help to protect our stunning moorland landscapes and species. They learned first-hand about the biodiversity on our moorlands, ranging from spongey sphagnum mosses to the iconic curlew. The children also sampled a delicious selection of wild food, with venison and pigeon on the menu for them to try.
A truly unique experience
More than 10,000 school pupils have now attended Let’s Learn Moor events since the project was launched in 2017. It is coordinated by Countryside Learning, BASC and the Regional Moorland Groups and involves more than 50 partner organisations.