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Heather & Grass Burning Licensing - Share Your Experience

As you probably know, the Heather and Grass etc. Burning (England) Regulations 2021 introduced new restrictions on burning on deep peat in designated sites.

A license from Defra is now required. To support members in navigating this process, the Moorland Association is working with Kate Russell of Tellus Natural Capital on a new project to help with licence applications.

We aim to provide guidance and resources so you can submit successful applications and continue to utilize burning as a management tool when appropriate.

To strengthen our efforts, we need your input. Please get in touch if you have:

  • Considered applying but haven't proceeded

  • Started but not completed an application

  • Made an application (successful or not)

Share your experience by contacting Kate Russell at Your insights will help us refine our guidance and better support all members. Let's work together to ensure the continued responsible management of our moorlands.

About Kate Russell

Kate Russell FRICS FAAV PMIAgrM CEnv is a land agent and chartered environmentalist. She has a background in private practice and academia and spent 13 years at the CAAV as a technical and policy advisor before establishing Tellus Natural Capital Ltd in 2021. She now advises farmers and landowners on the emerging markets for natural capital and continues to engage with policy makers in Defra, Natural England and the Environment Agency.

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Company Registered in England and Wales: 8977402

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