We are delighted with the coverage in The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph for our recent letter to the Home Secretary about wildfire risks.
This is just the start. There will be more coverage in the pipeline.
You can help add fuel to the political fire by doing one very simple thing that would have a big impact: write to your MP asking for a meeting using the template provided below.
When you write to them include your home address to show that you live in their constituency and explain what you are worried about concerning local wildfire risk.
Forward any replies you receive to David in our communications team (david@abzed.com) so he can advise on how to make the most of your interaction with your MP.
Together, we will be too much trouble for politicians to ignore!
Please use this template
Subject: Stopping catastrophic wildfires affecting our cities
Dear [name of your MP]
I live in your constituency at [your home address].
Natural England is so addicted to regulation that both the Prime Minister and his deputy have expressed anger about its bureaucracy.
I would like to meet you to discuss how Natural England is causing an immense risk of massive wildfires. This is through its bans on the management of excess vegetation which will cause a huge wildfire risk this summer.
[Explain why this personally worries you in your area].
Some of the technical arguments are in this letter which you may have seen discussed in the national press: https://www.moorlandassociation.org/post/wildfire-letter
I would like to discuss the practical issues of stopping a Los Angeles style disaster in our area. That risk is sadly becoming more and more inevitable as excess vegetation creates greater fuel loads and as our weather becomes less humid.
When could we meet?
Best regards,
[Your name]