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FAQs: The Economic and Environmental Impact of Shooting in the UK

Updated: 6 days ago

Grouse shooting

Below are some frequently asked questions about the economic and environmental impact of shooting in the UK, with data taken from The Value of Shooting report.

What is the annual economic value of shooting to the UK economy?

  • Shooting is worth £3.3 billion annually to the UK economy.

  • It generates £9.3 billion of wider economic activity in the UK.

How many people are actively involved in shooting-related activities in the UK?

  • There are 620,000 individuals actively involved in shooting-related activities.

  • Specifically, 293,000 people are involved in game shooting.

How many jobs are supported by shooting activities?

  • Shooting activities generate the equivalent of 67,000 full-time jobs.

  • Including voluntary work, shooting generates the equivalent of 173,000 full-time jobs.

How much do Shots spend on the UK-based supply chain?

  • Shots spend £4.4 billion on their UK-based supply chain each year.

  • Shooting providers spend an estimated £5.7 billion on their UK-based supply chain.

How much conservation work is carried out as a result of shooting?

  • Habitat management and conservation are carried out on 7.6 million hectares as a result of shooting.

  • Shooting providers and volunteers carry out conservation work to the value of £500 million, equivalent to 26,000 full-time jobs and 14 million workdays each year.

What types of shooting are most popular in the UK?

  • Clay target shooting is the most popular target discipline, with 366,000 participants.

  • Game shooting is also very popular, with 293,000 participants.

  • Many shooters enjoy multiple disciplines.

How many shooting days are provided in the UK?

  • Shooting providers delivered almost 10 million shooting days for participants and non-participants during 2022.

What are the main benefits of shooting for participants' wellbeing?

  • Three out of four people who take part in shooting say that it is important to them and their personal wellbeing.

  • The report highlights benefits such as exercise, being outdoors, being part of nature, engaging with like-minded individuals, and maintaining links to local heritage.

  • Shooting can also help combat loneliness and provide social cohesion.

What is the estimated total number of game, wildfowl, and pest species taken during 2022?

  • The total number of all game, wildfowl and pest species taken during 2022 was estimated to be 17.6 million.

  • This includes 11.4 million gamebirds, 1.1 million wildfowl, and 681,000 deer.

What is the value of game meat in the UK food chain?

  • It is estimated that £59 million was generated from the sale of meat by shoot providers and participants.

  • The majority of income came from venison sales (59%).

  • 95% of game, rabbits and woodpigeon shot entered the UK food chain in 2022.

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