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Bracken Control & Heather Beetle - Trial Sites Needed

Bracken Before and After

Bracken Control Trials

With Asulam no longer available and alternative methods like bruising, cutting, and rolling often proving ineffective or impractical, we ungently need a new option.

The Moorland Association is looking for moor owners willing to participate in trials (on land that can be burnt and sprayed with glyphosate). We will document trials and use the findings can change national policy.


Geoff Eyre, the "inventive upland agronomist" has been studying bracken control methods for decades. His new approach, perfected in the Peak District, transforms bracken-dominated hillsides into diverse ecosystems, celebrated by academics and botanists alike.

  1. Burn the bracken trash to help prepare the ground (during the burning season)

  2. Spray glyphosate in mid-July over full cover bracken

  3. Second Burn a crucial step in breaking down toxins, which stopping other seeds

  4. Reseed with beneficial seed mixes to promote plant diversity

  5. Spot spay in July and September to target missed fonds and secondary growth

For more details see Geoff’s breakthrough document.

More Bracken Trial Sites Needed

If you have a possible site (20m x 20m or larger) we would love to hear from you. Sadly we can’t include land within SSSI units and certain ELM schemes (unless agreements of use glyphosate are already in place).

👉 Contact to get involved.

More Heather Beetle Damage Trial Sites Needed

If you have heather that has suffered 100% damage (with no young plants trying to come through) we would also love to hear from you. Sadly we can’t include land within SSSI units and certain ELM schemes (unless agreements of use glyphosate are already in place).

  1. Spray with glyphosate

  2. Burn (with an out-of-season licence)

  3. Reseed

👉 Contact to get involved.

After years of discussion and procrastination, it’s time for us to get on with these trials and demonstrate the art of the possible. Do get involved if you can. Together we can change national policy.

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